Monday, January 24, 2011

Moving into the unknown

Now the change has come to make new plans for the next step in our lives.  I am only 4 years old and was not in the same thoughts as my parents.  Their plans was very upsetting to Rae and me;we did not know why?  With the misfortune that happened in my fours years was hard on everybody. My grandfather moved to Lexington, Ky.  Ethel was 54, Harold 18, and Jean 11. Ethel never married and worked to support their family.  Jean told me that Dad gave up on everything.  He was sick and dieded in 1939.  never saw the depression come to a close. 

We moved to Winchester and found some angels that pull us through this hard time with nothing in our hands.  Have not mentioned my mothers family.  When we ask if they could help us out, they said yes and would be glad to.  My grandfather Henry Monroe ran a little store and raised eight children on this little store.  Now my knowledge of what was going on; begain to see the life in a different way.  Seems like we moved to Winchester in 1931 or 1932.  Started to school at this time and misfortune came our back on us.  At this time we lived on Holly when we all caught Whooping Cough.  Never will forget this in my little life.  Can see me running to the bath room; vomiting and coughing. Run down the hall and to the bath room.  Me and Thelma  survived.  Flossie Mae did not survived.  She was two and never got to see this dragon of proverty gone. What will we do now about work and supporting our family?  four children now and still no job.  The women did not work at this time so the husband was to support the family.  Will continue in my next blog , What is going to happen on us again.


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